Words from James Clear

  3-2-1: How to time travel, the power of reading, and being grateful when you don’t have what you want                 Here are 3 ideas, 2 quotes, and 1 question to consider this week… 3 Ideas From Me I. “To experience time travel, read. To achieve immortality, write.”…

To Whom It May Concern,

Please get your act together. The planet is collapsing, and man has become indifferent to others suffering. With wildfires, extreme heat and floods spreading around the world and world powers leaving hate filled groups like the taliban to pillage & kill innocent people in their own homes. How did it come to this and is…

How was your day?

Lockdown Blues? Don’t get so down and don’t get so stressed, we’re all a bit fiesty and we all need some rest, these days of restrictions are getting to be, a bind and a hindrance for you and for me. The vaccine is running and it’s making it’s mark and we hope it comes quicker…

The Connection Between Probiotics and Your Mood

Small studies in rodents and humans hint at an answer by Erman Misirlisoy, PhD The human gut contains a host of life forms with their own genes that make up our gut microbiome. Over 10 trillion microorganisms live inside human intestines, with some recent estimates putting the number as high as 39 trillion. That means people have more…

Rebuilding Ourselves

The way we interact with our environment is the key to rewiring our brain. Brain plasticity is the brain’s ability to adapt and reorganize as we interact with the world. In the book Livewired: The Inside Story of the Ever-Changing Brain is a non-fiction book, the neuroscientist and author David Eagleman, gives insight into what happens…

Don’t Be The One Who Gets Caught Out

The science behind hangovers — and what to do when you get one Most of us love to joke about hangovers. For example: What’s the best thing for a hangover? Drinking heavily the night before. But what is happening in our bodies is more serious than that — it’s alcohol withdrawal. Yes, the symptoms are less…

What’s It All About Ey???

It’s about trying and failing. That’s the only way to make any progress. You have to do something. You can’t escape pain/failure in life. Well you can, if you stay dormant and don’t do anything you can. The biggest problem is that you’ll most likely take that failure personally, as a sign of ur character…

My Sunday Journey of Learning

I LOVE reading from the Web, there is just SO much information out there and I love the way that I just kind of fall across good stuff. Here is a blog that’s been written by someone else but has put me on a journey of learning that I feel I have to share. That…

Time for something different!

I receive this Newsletter and today I read that Red Squirrels are actually making a comeback! How great is that!? So I read the whole article and had to share it. In this time of virus seclusion, political craziness, and global suffering I think it’s really nice to read about something that is is so…