
Why am I not happy? Why? Looking at the state of the world, is there any excuse not to be? If there was one place I’m so very pleased I’m not and that’s the government! Any government, in any country! Wars Poverty Abuse Drugs Homelessness Crime Covid Omincron Lockdowns Economy Us Society So many aspects…

Sunday Samples

Sat here, pondering on what to write while listening to Verlyn Klinkenborg talking about Several Short Sentances About Writing. Knowing what to write about is leaving me feeling like an amnesiac who can’t remember yesterday. How do I shape my prose when my prose won’t stream? Getting back to my flat a few minutes ago after walking…

Going through the change

Written by Robert Walker aka Num I’m working on myself I have to make a better life for myself. Become a better person and strive towards success of some kind. Any kind will do, as long as I do something to better things. I think the first area that I’ll look at is my hierarchy…

Today I learned…

…First I read from this blog about 5 things to do when you have too many ideas and never finish anything which is ultimately avoiding overwhelm and how we can get stuck in motion at rest, instead of motion in action and lists ways to overcome these problems. All in all, they are really simple…

Feeding my Roots

If You Want to Reach Your Goals Start by Feeding Your Roots The tallest trees have the strongest foundations Once upon a time, there was a young man who was fed up with his life. Nothing was working out as he’d planned and this frustration had reached its breaking point. In a last-ditch effort he…


The whole world is having to stay indoors and practice social distancing. It’s been about 2 weeks now for us in the UK since this outbreak started to spread and I think that unfortunately, things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. I’m personally looking at 3 months, however, hopefully, it…

Me. Me. Me…

Looking back over the years there has been a few of us! Mental illness is, and was, hard work. Well it’s not quite so anymore, thankfully! Although I still have remnants of previous ego’s inside. Cuthbert was my arch enemy. He’d speak up when he wasn’t wanted or needed and was relentless with his negativity.…

It’s never too late to make a start

‘m looking forward to what I’m going to do…I start a new role with CPFT very soon and in doing so I’ll be brightening up people’s lives and contributing to a great cause. I’ll run these projects alongside the PINCH magazine editing that I do for CGL and then I’ll be contributing to two great…

To the future

  You won’t realise it yet and you’ll probably have a good idea of just how long things can take but you’re still at the starting line really. In life terms, it was only quite recently that I’ve come to learn just how long the road is. Long and winding running uphill as well as…

Bipolar is a thing!

Bipolar is an energy, a living presence. An entity. You would have thought that I’d be well versed in dealing with this sometimes crippling problem that affects my being. It’s a bit like Groundhog Day for me. The same shit happens time and time again but I never get used to it. I never get…