Words from James Clear

  3-2-1: How to time travel, the power of reading, and being grateful when you don’t have what you want                 Here are 3 ideas, 2 quotes, and 1 question to consider this week… 3 Ideas From Me I. “To experience time travel, read. To achieve immortality, write.”…


I’ve never been so organised, productive & busy yet still have the feeling that I’m failing Things have been building for at least the past 10 years and more and for all of that time I’ve been saying that “I’m getting there, slowly but surely, I’m getting there!” Well, I have been I am and…

Nature is overflowing with kindness

 The above clip is a testament to nature’s incredible awareness together with feelings and the ability to heal. I couldn’t help but smile while watching this lady tell me about the experience which led me to find the following articles written by Lucy Freeman. I hope you enjoy reading them. Could your pet save…

Feeling Stuck & Thinking Hard

Who am I? I’m a 55 year old man who should know better and I’ve been getting & going no where. Things have to change and so do I as this slump I’m in has been going on long enough. What I do… I go out when I have to as I don’t like going out…

Tommorrow Will Be a Good Day

Sir Captain Tom certainly got it right! This post is dedicated to Captain Tom’s memory where I’ve made a change in my own life in carrying on his will and determination in myself to better my future. In his own words, “Tomorrow will be a good day. Tomorrow you will maybe find that everything is…

Positive Vibrations

After spending a lot of time struggling with reclusiveness from an illness and recently the isolation from being on Lockdown I feel like I’m finally getting somewhere. I’ve just had an online interview with the hope of being accepted for a Peer Education Training Programme and I think it went really well. We’ll see tomorrow…

Rebuilding Ourselves

The way we interact with our environment is the key to rewiring our brain. Brain plasticity is the brain’s ability to adapt and reorganize as we interact with the world. In the book Livewired: The Inside Story of the Ever-Changing Brain is a non-fiction book, the neuroscientist and author David Eagleman, gives insight into what happens…

My Wandering Mind

Words from a Bipolar Mind in Real-Time From one thing to another I happily flit and while I’m doing that I rarely finish it Reading then listening then filling a form then all of a sudden I’m feeling forlorn I try and stay focused, intended, and free yet it changes so much with all that…

Today I learned…

…all about Chimps. No, not chimps as in the real walking and climbing around kind, the Mind Management Chimp Paradox kind. The hidden chimp on our minds, you know the one! We all have them. It makes complete sense. We’re all irrational at times and that’s your Chimp, right there at work just then, playing…

What’s It All About Ey???

It’s about trying and failing. That’s the only way to make any progress. You have to do something. You can’t escape pain/failure in life. Well you can, if you stay dormant and don’t do anything you can. The biggest problem is that you’ll most likely take that failure personally, as a sign of ur character…