
Started @16:43 on 11th May 2022 Listening to some music 1 Focus Hyperfocus is highly focused attention that lasts a long time. You concentrate on something so hard that you lose track of everything else going on around you. Controlled attention is what’s needed. 2 Positivity Negative thoughts come effortlessly at an individual’s mind. Monitoring them…

The Internet make us very lazy!

Is Google Sync to blame? There are many more images that describe my thoughts about this but I chose this one as it shows the virtuality quite well, I think. More and more are we all adding to this internet and I wonder when the internet itself will get full up! When we look at…

Today has been a Good Day

  “This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever;…

Oh I just Love my Grub 👌🤗🥳

 The UN is recommending people to start eating insects. Here are a few things that some people are cooking up around the world already + Chocolate-covered Crickets and caramel flavoured Maggots, at your nearest Thorntons soon! Crispy Flies in Tempura Batter Flame Roasted Beetles with a hint of Chili and Ginger in a Larvae…

Railway ALT


  Photo by Giulia Ballestri on Unsplash   I’ve smoked from the age of 16/17 years old where I used to think that it was cool and made me look hard to be puffing on a cigarette, especially while standing and holding the fag between my fingers a certain way. I can still remember my…


I’ve never been so organised, productive & busy yet still have the feeling that I’m failing Things have been building for at least the past 10 years and more and for all of that time I’ve been saying that “I’m getting there, slowly but surely, I’m getting there!” Well, I have been I am and…

What Is It?

Have you ever felt like you just really want to do something, only you really don’t know what it is you that you really want to do? Hopefully, I’ve got it right this time! And I’m waiting for a hobby desk to arrive today so I can make a start. I joined a Pottery class…


Why am I not happy? Why? Looking at the state of the world, is there any excuse not to be? If there was one place I’m so very pleased I’m not and that’s the government! Any government, in any country! Wars Poverty Abuse Drugs Homelessness Crime Covid Omincron Lockdowns Economy Us Society So many aspects…