Advice Life Productivity

Sunday Samples

It used to be that we pick up a pen and then put the ink on some paper to make the words to fill the sentences that would form what we wanted to say.

Just think of all of those screwed up pieces of paper (long live the recycle.) Remember pens and pencils?

Now that we live in a world of technical brilliance it’s just as easy to type on a keyboard, on a phone or tablet, laptop or computer. Sure the pen and paper come in handy but I’d bet that most of you all use the keyboard more than the pen.

There’s of course, nothing wrong with either it’s just an observation.

Do you think that learning to touch type is relevant today?

Given that most communication is done using a phone via texting and messaging, probably not in those cases but for all of you using a laptop or a computer it has to be a must, right?

I mean if you know how to spell and you can remember where the keys are you’ll find your fingers moving to the right area anyway. So why learn to touch type in the first place?

  1. When you do that you are much more constrained to one position where your hands are placed just so and you really need to be sat at a desk or a table which can improve posture.
  2. There is some great tuition out there which makes learning interesting and fun.
  3. You can learn to type quicker getting more words down on the screen.
  4. It looks professional.
  5. Is there a real need for it?

Of course there isn’t a need for it, it just helps that’s all. Once you start typing and you see how difficult it can be, it helps a great deal when you know how to do it properly. And honestly, it’s not that much of a difficult thing to learn, like everything else it just takes practice.

I can remember my final years of school and I stayed on to the 6th Form, choosing subjects just so that I could be with a girl that I was after dating. The subjects were all in admin. Shorthand and typing. Hey, if I could go back now I would have learned and not chased.

For here I am now all those moons later learning to type. Screw the shorthand, that must be as complicated as coding, and that gives me a headache, but back then I would have picked it up a lot easier I reckon.

Today has been another day of learning. Reading all about how to write actually which is why I suppose I started talking about pen and paper.

There’s so much involved, it’s not just about putting words together either, there’s more to it than that. Things like grammar, the right voice, the right audience, active vs inactive, writing to express and not impress to name but a few.

I’ve bookmarked it all and I’ll work my way through all of it in time. A day a week will get me somewhere and doing it on a Sunday just kinda makes sense to me, it feels good too.

So much to learn and so little time do it all in, it is possible though so keep at it.


Hi, I'm making this website as a hobby that I'm hoping will grow into something that I can leave behind that'll benefit family and friends and anyone else who it touches. I find it very therapeutic and relaxing, and I hope I can help someone along the way. Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments or suggestions.

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