The Connection Between Probiotics and Your Mood

Small studies in rodents and humans hint at an answer by Erman Misirlisoy, PhD The human gut contains a host of life forms with their own genes that make up our gut microbiome. Over 10 trillion microorganisms live inside human intestines, with some recent estimates putting the number as high as 39 trillion. That means people have more…

Don’t Be The One Who Gets Caught Out

The science behind hangovers — and what to do when you get one Most of us love to joke about hangovers. For example: What’s the best thing for a hangover? Drinking heavily the night before. But what is happening in our bodies is more serious than that — it’s alcohol withdrawal. Yes, the symptoms are less…

COVID @ Christmas

Sat here on my own here on this Christmas Eve, Does it hit home that my family I leave, This COVID this virus has taken us all, With uncertainty and anger, we’ve taken a fall. The unknowing of life has come to us clearly, We can’t touch the one’s that we love so dearly, Be…

My Wandering Mind

Words from a Bipolar Mind in Real-Time From one thing to another I happily flit and while I’m doing that I rarely finish it Reading then listening then filling a form then all of a sudden I’m feeling forlorn I try and stay focused, intended, and free yet it changes so much with all that…

Sunday Samples

One hundred and two years ago with one month and 31 days, World War One ended. Can you imagine the silence? Can you imagine the overall relief of the soldiers and the families belonging to those soldiers? I’m imagining a similar kind of relief for the people these days that are affected by COVID 19,…

Going through the change

Written by Robert Walker aka Num I’m working on myself I have to make a better life for myself. Become a better person and strive towards success of some kind. Any kind will do, as long as I do something to better things. I think the first area that I’ll look at is my hierarchy…

What’s It All About Ey???

It’s about trying and failing. That’s the only way to make any progress. You have to do something. You can’t escape pain/failure in life. Well you can, if you stay dormant and don’t do anything you can. The biggest problem is that you’ll most likely take that failure personally, as a sign of ur character…

My Sunday Journey of Learning

I LOVE reading from the Web, there is just SO much information out there and I love the way that I just kind of fall across good stuff. Here is a blog that’s been written by someone else but has put me on a journey of learning that I feel I have to share. That…

The Akrasia Effect: How to Overcome Your Resistance Brain

by Thomas Oppong Everything you want to achieve is on the other side of resistance.   Humans have been putting things off for centuries. Resistance to do what guarantees progress is nothing new. Resistance is so common that ancient philosophers like Aristotle and Socrates developed a word for it: Akrasia Akrasia is the state of acting…

Could You Be Addicted to Self-Improvement?

At some point, you have to decide to be okay with who you are. By Dyanne Brown in The Good Men Project   This past weekend, I was watching a video and the woman said, “there is no amount of personal development that will change you from being you.” As she explained it deeper, I found…