What Is It?

Have you ever felt like you just really want to do something, only you really don’t know what it is you that you really want to do? Hopefully, I’ve got it right this time! And I’m waiting for a hobby desk to arrive today so I can make a start. I joined a Pottery class…

Nature is overflowing with kindness

 The above clip is a testament to nature’s incredible awareness together with feelings and the ability to heal. I couldn’t help but smile while watching this lady tell me about the experience which led me to find the following articles written by Lucy Freeman. I hope you enjoy reading them. Could your pet save…

Positive Self-Talk: How Talking to Yourself Is a Good Thing

What is positive self-talk? Self-talk is your internal dialogue. It’s influenced by your subconscious mind, and it reveals your thoughts, beliefs, questions, and ideas. Self-talk can be both negative and positive. It can be encouraging, and it can be distressing. Much of your self-talk depends on your personality. If you’re an optimist, your self-talk may be…

Sunday Samples

There’s definitely something to be said for old friends. The bonds between people can be so intense and real that they carry through time itself and know no bounds. Today I made contact with one of them. An old flame whose journey up till now has been fraught with hardship and devastation. And on a…

What’s It All About Ey???

It’s about trying and failing. That’s the only way to make any progress. You have to do something. You can’t escape pain/failure in life. Well you can, if you stay dormant and don’t do anything you can. The biggest problem is that you’ll most likely take that failure personally, as a sign of ur character…

Personality Disorder?

  How weird is life?   Over 20 years ago now I was diagnosed with having Bipolar. An emotional disorder due to the lack of neurotransmitters in my brain, and I was to take medications that would bridge these gaps in my neuro-pathways and make me better. That took a very long time, however, after…

A Beginner’s Guide To Reading Palms

Palm reading is often dismissed as a parlour trick or a a way for a fortune teller to make a quick couple of quid. But palmistry, to use the practice’s official term, is a very old form of divination. More personal than tarot reading or rune casting, and more variable than one’s birth chart, a thorough palm reading can (if you’re into…

Having Faith!

Having faith comes to just about everything that we do. Well, it should anyway if we want to make what we do to be true and purposeful, with meaning and conviction. Just as R.E.M. says in their song that’s me in the corner…   I’m trying to learn how to get my image in the…


acupuncture – meditating – mindfulness – eastern philosophy – well being – works!   This state of mindful awareness is a desirable state because when you are mindful, you will not get lost in erratic thinking about the past or the future. Furthermore, you’ll be experiencing your emotions without resistance which eliminates most of your…