The Akrasia Effect: How to Overcome Your Resistance Brain

by Thomas Oppong Everything you want to achieve is on the other side of resistance.   Humans have been putting things off for centuries. Resistance to do what guarantees progress is nothing new. Resistance is so common that ancient philosophers like Aristotle and Socrates developed a word for it: Akrasia Akrasia is the state of acting…

Could You Be Addicted to Self-Improvement?

At some point, you have to decide to be okay with who you are. By Dyanne Brown in The Good Men Project   This past weekend, I was watching a video and the woman said, “there is no amount of personal development that will change you from being you.” As she explained it deeper, I found…

Your Emotional Brain is Smarter Than Your Brain Thinks

by Thomas Oppong & me   Emotion is not the enemy of reason The need to decide is never-ending. You make decisions even when you unconsciously think you are choosing not to decide. And we don’t always choose the most rational option. Everyone processes information with both the rational and emotional parts of the brain.…

Developing Resilience

  Overcoming and Growing From Setbacks According to legend, Thomas Edison made thousands of prototypes of the incandescent light bulb before he finally got it right. And, since the prolific inventor was awarded more than 1,000 patents, it’s easy to imagine him failing on a daily basis in his lab at Menlo Park. In spite…

Just when DO you quit?

When do you quit? When you cant catch your breath and your gulping for air and your mind is telling you “just give it a few minutes and you’ll be able to breath better, that’s when you can take another pull on me.” It’s controlling you that much that you defy your own rational reasoning,…

The Science of WHY You Should Quit Drinking Alcohol

If You Don’t Have a Problem With Drinking NOW, Science Says You Probably Will in the Future (From LIKE…to WANT…to MUST). The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. This quote by Kevin Spacey’s character in Usual Suspects (one of the best movies ever BTW) is a perfect example…

The power of scratching your own itch…

  …and this hasn’t fully sunk in yet. Taking one’s time in anything has to be the best commodity there is? Not rushing & being able to slowly construct a plan has to be the new way to go! Not that I have a plan but with all of the advice and help that’s out…