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I wonder what if…?

    This below is what we need to happen and above is what shouldn’t have happened

     Above is how things are going to change and below is how that needs to be done

                     Below is the help we need and above is how it’s going to happen

so in answer to my dad’s question (and probably most of he’s age and era) they are sending rockets to the moon and satellites to mars to try and find a new planet for us to live on. This one is well on the way to being spent and as a global force, that needs attending too if our planet isn’t to suffocate and kill us all. Right now in the depths of this coronavirus the one good thing, to come out of it is that the actual planet has had a break and a breather. Cast your mind back to before the virus caused a lockdown and then look at how the ozone layer has been able to stop being destroyed by the number of cars on the road. The pollution giving factories that have stopped spewing waste into the air. Mars is a hopeful option, it always has been. But now if things don’t change it’ll be a necessity.

Tonight I watched and listened to a tv program called The Prophets of Doom where 6 men talked about the state of the planet, our civilization, our world, and they made some really good sense and talked about the future not only for America but for the world too and really falls in line with what David Attenborough and Greta Thunber were saying in the first video. Here it is and please bear in mind this WARNING…it’s very grim!

I feel sad. Sad and disgusted with how our planet has come to be so in need of help and rebuilding. If the above few videos weren’t shocking enough, then this next one really is SHOCKING.

Amidst all the doom and gloom here’s a ray of sunshine



Hi, I'm making this website as a hobby that I'm hoping will grow into something that I can leave behind that'll benefit family and friends and anyone else who it touches. I find it very therapeutic and relaxing, and I hope I can help someone along the way. Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments or suggestions.

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