Railway ALT


  Photo by Giulia Ballestri on Unsplash   I’ve smoked from the age of 16/17 years old where I used to think that it was cool and made me look hard to be puffing on a cigarette, especially while standing and holding the fag between my fingers a certain way. I can still remember my…

Nature is overflowing with kindness

 The above clip is a testament to nature’s incredible awareness together with feelings and the ability to heal. I couldn’t help but smile while watching this lady tell me about the experience which led me to find the following articles written by Lucy Freeman. I hope you enjoy reading them. Could your pet save…

12 Science-Based Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is the habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. The popularity of meditation is increasing as more people discover its many health benefits. You can use it to increase awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Many people think of it as a way to reduce stress and develop concentration.…

Feeling Stuck & Thinking Hard

Who am I? I’m a 55 year old man who should know better and I’ve been getting & going no where. Things have to change and so do I as this slump I’m in has been going on long enough. What I do… I go out when I have to as I don’t like going out…

Nicotine deosn’t help your appetite

I have an eating disorder and then learned that smoking tobacco is seriously affecting my appetite. I smoke like a trooper. It’s a bad habit, it’s disgusting yet it’s got me. Hook, line and sinker. Earlier on today I googled whether smoking tobacco could be the cause of me not eating anything through the day…

The Connection Between Probiotics and Your Mood

Small studies in rodents and humans hint at an answer by Erman Misirlisoy, PhD The human gut contains a host of life forms with their own genes that make up our gut microbiome. Over 10 trillion microorganisms live inside human intestines, with some recent estimates putting the number as high as 39 trillion. That means people have more…

Don’t Be The One Who Gets Caught Out

The science behind hangovers — and what to do when you get one Most of us love to joke about hangovers. For example: What’s the best thing for a hangover? Drinking heavily the night before. But what is happening in our bodies is more serious than that — it’s alcohol withdrawal. Yes, the symptoms are less…

Sunday Samples

One hundred and two years ago with one month and 31 days, World War One ended. Can you imagine the silence? Can you imagine the overall relief of the soldiers and the families belonging to those soldiers? I’m imagining a similar kind of relief for the people these days that are affected by COVID 19,…

Going through the change

Written by Robert Walker aka Num I’m working on myself I have to make a better life for myself. Become a better person and strive towards success of some kind. Any kind will do, as long as I do something to better things. I think the first area that I’ll look at is my hierarchy…