Today I learned…

…First I read from this blog about 5 things to do when you have too many ideas and never finish anything which is ultimately avoiding overwhelm and how we can get stuck in motion at rest, instead of motion in action and lists ways to overcome these problems. All in all, they are really simple…

Feeding my Roots

If You Want to Reach Your Goals Start by Feeding Your Roots The tallest trees have the strongest foundations Once upon a time, there was a young man who was fed up with his life. Nothing was working out as he’d planned and this frustration had reached its breaking point. In a last-ditch effort he…

I had to keep these!!

8 beautiful Hubble Space Telescope images you probably haven’t seen before…Beautiful! In the 30 years since the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope, this iconic feat of engineering has been revealing the wonders of the Universe while building up a library of some of the most shining sights in the cosmos. We’ve taken a look…

The Art and Science of Tricking Your Brain

I often smile when I’m sat on a bus looking out of the window and noticing how doing just that one small thing can put me in a better frame of mind. It’s amazing how our minds and bodies work. And I’ll be back to finish off this post… Just under 10 months later and…