Life News Wonder

Time for something different!

I receive this Newsletter and today I read that Red Squirrels are actually making a comeback! How great is that!? So I read the whole article and had to share it.

In this time of virus seclusion, political craziness, and global suffering I think it’s really nice to read about something that is is so far away from all of that noise we have in our reality. And hopefully, the Great British Red Squirrel will show up in our forests once again. I’ve added this post because it’ll be very interesting I think to see how things come along for them in the future and this post will be something to look back on to when it all started.

Come and take a look into another area of life where things are, starting to happen

Hi, I'm making this website as a hobby that I'm hoping will grow into something that I can leave behind that'll benefit family and friends and anyone else who it touches. I find it very therapeutic and relaxing, and I hope I can help someone along the way. Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments or suggestions.

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