Life Productivity Self Improvement

It’s a really uncanny thing but…complexity can be really really easy…

…after a good few days learning how a certain app works and setting it up, I’ve come to terms with just how my life is at the moment. I’m not grumbling or moaning about it not being perfect or in many ways different, just how it’s kind of how we are all learning to live now what with social distancing and self-isolation and staying in etc. I think it’s a bit funny how I’ve ended up in a state of living where all of my time is geared to using my computer and I don’t go out much, which is really, the order of the day. Institutionalized comes to mind after years of being in recovery due to bipolar and a breakdown and my PC is my social outlet.

With the help of these apps that I use I will hopefully be able to build that routine which I’ve been trying so hard to make for myself and for quite a while too. Left to my own devices I am hopeless at managing my time so I’ve enlisted some help. I’ll place some links to them at the bottom of the page for you to have a look at if you so wish. The apps have free memberships as well as paid subscriptions and you can do a lot with the free versions so there’s no need to purchase anything, although if you do pay for the subscriptions you can do lots more with them and they are relatively cheap. Today they are anyway.

The funny thing going around my mind is how I always seem to do things back to front and the wrong way around. Maybe it’s just fate but as times are now at the moment, having changed in many ways due to this virus I feel quite accustomed and set to having to work from home and staying in. I spend a lot of time volunteering for a new organisation called the People Project where my skills are quite valued and needed, and I’m learning how remote working works and coming to terms with finding employment and hopefully in the same sector where I work on their website building the Foundations of their organisation. The thing I’m finding not so easy is in advertising my wares. How do I do that and where do I start? It’s strange to think that I can put a WordPress website together yet not know the basics of letting people know what I can do. And tomorrow I’ll know, as I did today, that I’m going through a manic stage in this life that I’m living controlled by bipolar. Complex yet oh so simple.

App links…RescueTime  Beeminder  Toggl  Todoist






Hi, I'm making this website as a hobby that I'm hoping will grow into something that I can leave behind that'll benefit family and friends and anyone else who it touches. I find it very therapeutic and relaxing, and I hope I can help someone along the way. Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments or suggestions.

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