How to Develop Resilience so You’ll Stop Giving Up

Picturing what resilience looks like in your mind is hard. Resilience is not something you can touch and it’s a lot more than persistence. Resilience is an ongoing battle fought in your mind and it rages on and on. You can’t win the battle; you can only continue to fight it. Taking steps to look…

It’s all Mental in the Mind

How do I improve my mental capacity? How to look after your mental health Talk about your feelings. Talking about your feelings can help you stay in good mental health and deal with times when you feel troubled. … Keep active. … Eat well. … Drink sensibly. … Keep in touch. … Ask for help. … Take a break. … Do…

Kyundo meditation

Kyundo is a form of Japanese archery. It requires strength, balance, coordination and flow, all at the same time. As you can read from the blog I’ve added it can take years and years to master and while I read and then watched the video I had the great idea of incorporating this into a…

I wonder what if…?

     This below is what we need to happen and above is what shouldn’t have happened      Above is how things are going to change and below is how that needs to be done                      Below is the help we need and above…

Feeding my Roots

If You Want to Reach Your Goals Start by Feeding Your Roots The tallest trees have the strongest foundations Once upon a time, there was a young man who was fed up with his life. Nothing was working out as he’d planned and this frustration had reached its breaking point. In a last-ditch effort he…

The Art and Science of Tricking Your Brain

I often smile when I’m sat on a bus looking out of the window and noticing how doing just that one small thing can put me in a better frame of mind. It’s amazing how our minds and bodies work. And I’ll be back to finish off this post… Just under 10 months later and…