Social Distancing…please read and listen!

…in a very important sense, the term “social distancing” is inaccurate. Think of it as physical, not social distancing.  What we need to do is separate ourselves physically. Specifically, we need to interact from two metres away or via the Internet or phone lines. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be social. If anything, we…


Proviso – I’m not lonely. However, in England, almost 4 million people feel lonely. They could fill Wembley Stadium 44 times.   We live in a world where we are connected with a device that fits in the palm of our hand, we’re a phone call away or a message from any corner of the…

The Art and Science of Tricking Your Brain

I often smile when I’m sat on a bus looking out of the window and noticing how doing just that one small thing can put me in a better frame of mind. It’s amazing how our minds and bodies work. And I’ll be back to finish off this post… Just under 10 months later and…

A Beginner’s Guide To Reading Palms

Palm reading is often dismissed as a parlour trick or a a way for a fortune teller to make a quick couple of quid. But palmistry, to use the practice’s official term, is a very old form of divination. More personal than tarot reading or rune casting, and more variable than one’s birth chart, a thorough palm reading can (if you’re into…

How to Quit Sugar Without Being Miserable

An expert shares easy ways to reduce sugar intake   We’ve all heard about the sugar epidemic — in fact, this topic has been explored in this documentary Fed Up . But when it comes to really wrapping our heads around this pervasive problem, it can all get a bit muddled: What does sugar really do to…

Every Cloud has a silver lining

Are you on the right road? …I don’t think I ever have been. Until now that is! I’ve had all of my hospital admissions, forever, and I can now concentrate on what lays ahead! Yes, the time is just about right to start enjoying life and I plan to do it, this time around, successfully.…

Trying to change a Mindset…and Procrastination

I’m trying to change my mind, from a fixed one to one of growth. While trying to beat procrastination, hopefully finding a flow. It’s not as easy as it may sound. First of all, let me explain what I mean by a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. A growth mindset is where you tell…

Having Faith!

Having faith comes to just about everything that we do. Well, it should anyway if we want to make what we do to be true and purposeful, with meaning and conviction. Just as R.E.M. says in their song that’s me in the corner…   I’m trying to learn how to get my image in the…