
15 Foods That Naturally Reduce Blood Sugar

 In Fitness And In Health by Suman Jana

Although people often think of insulin as a negative hormone, it is actually very important and beneficial for our health

Calculations show that most people in the world today are suffering from Blood Sugar. Blood Sugar is a sneaky health issue, but there are many powerful foods that can help lower blood sugar levels efficiently and quickly.

First, in order to understand why high blood sugar occurs, it’s important to have a basic understanding of what triggers blood sugar highs and lows, and it all starts with insulin. Insulin is the hormone that goes into our bloodstream and delivers nutrients to the cells so that our blood sugar stays stable.

Although people often think of insulin as a negative hormone, it is actually very important and beneficial for our health. When our body doesn’t produce insulin or use insulin efficiently, we can develop insulin resistance which can lead to type 2 diabetes. One of the best things we can all do in order to help insulin do its job is to eat regularly and eat a balanced diet that’s filled with healthy foods.

1. Olive Oil

Olive oil is an example of healthy fat. This oil contains polyphenols that fight inflammation which helps in lowering blood pressure. These oils help you to serve your twice-daily fat as of the DASH diet. This oil is mixed with many foods we can eat as it is very used as a salad.


2. Spinach

Spinach is high in amino acids and contains five grams of protein per cup. Spinach is also a rich source of minerals calcium, magnesium, and potassium which all lower blood pressure levels, and it is a good source of fiber to help lower blood sugar. Fiber proteins and minerals are three great ingredients that help balance insulin levels and give the body more nutrients.


3. Broccoli and broccoli sprouts

Sulforaphane is a type of isothiocyanate that has blood-sugar-reducing properties. This plant chemical is produced when broccoli is chopped or chewed due to a reaction between a glucosinolate compound called glucoraphanin and the enzyme myrosinase, both of which are concentrated in broccoli. Test-tube, animal and human studies have shown that sulforaphane-rich broccoli extract has powerful anti-diabetic effects, helping enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar and markers of oxidative stress. Broccoli sprouts are concentrated sources of glucosinolates like glucoraphanin, and they’ve been shown to help promote insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes when supplemented as a powder or extract. Additionally, eating cruciferous vegetables has been linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Keep in mind that the best way to enhance the availability of sulforaphane is to enjoy broccoli and broccoli sprouts raw or lightly steamed, or to add active sources of myrosinase like mustard seed powder to cooked broccoli.


4. Avocado

Avocado is a superfood for so many reasons, but they’re especially great to lower blood sugar levels. The Avocado fruit is a rich source of monounsaturated fats which are the best type of fast for your heart. Avocado is also a good source of fiber, amino acids, vitamins B, minerals such as magnesium and potassium, and it’s a great replacement to foods such as mayo and cheese especially for those with diabetes or food intolerances. For cream texture cut your next smoothie some avocado or add it to a salad or use it instead of cheese, you can use it in the next omelet. It is used in processed fats. This fruit can be used as a wonderful addition to your diet.


5. Almonds

Almond offers more protein than other types of nuts as well as more fiber and overall nutrition. This makes them an excellent choice for lowering blood sugar levels and even blood pressure levels too. Almonds include 8 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber, and only 1 gram of naturally occurring sugar per ounce. Almond contains magnesium and potassium which help in lowering blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Even nuts are able to supply a little calcium iron and zinc. One ounce of almonds is equal to about 20 nuts and makes the perfect serving size as a snack throughout the day. You can also add slivered almonds to meals like salads, stir-fries, and even oatmeal if you wish.


6. Peanuts butter

Having nuts like almonds and peanuts and nut butter made with them can play a significant role in reducing blood sugar levels. in a study published in the journal Molecules, it was found that consuming nut butter or almonds and peanuts throughout the day reduced post-meal blood sugar levels in people who have type 2 diabetes.


7. Salmon

According to the book, Salmon is uniquely rich in omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid. In combination with its abundant supply of selenium, these omega 3 fatty acids help lower blood presser, unhealthy cholesterol levels in the blood, and inflammation-reducing the risk of heart disease. Salmon with its heart-healing properties is extremely good for cardio-muscular health.


8. Dark Chocolate

A 2015–2016 study found that eating dark chocolate is associated with a lower risk for cardiovascular disease. The study suggests that up to 80 grams per day of dark chocolate may be associated with a lower risk of CVD. Dark chocolate contains more than 60% cocoa solids and has less sugar than regular chocolate. You can add yogurt to dark chocolate or eat it with strawberries or any berry.

9. Eggs

Eggs are an exceptionally nutritious food, providing a concentrated source of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Some studies have linked egg consumption to better blood sugar control. A study in 40 adults with overweight or obesity and either prediabetes or type 2 diabetes showed that eating one large egg per day led to a significant 4.4% reduction in fasting blood sugar, as well as improvements in insulin sensitivity, compared with an egg substitute. What’s more, during a 14-year follow up study in 7,002 Korean adults, frequent egg intake of two less than four servings per week was associated with a 40% lower risk of diabetes, compared with eating eggs one time or less per week, in men but not women.


10. Oats

Oats and oats bran are both superb sources of soluble fiber, which can play a huge role in lowering blood sugar levels significantly. In a study published in the journal Nutrients, it was found that having oats regularly controlled fasting blood sugar levels in people who have type 2 diabetes. Have 28 grams of oats bran with water before having white bread is also associated with lower post-meal blood sugar spikes.


11. Limit your Alcohol

Drinking alcohol can raise blood presser, and drinking more than one alcoholic beverage per day may raise your blood pressure and increase your risk for hypertension.


12. Bitter Melon

Bitter melon isn’t all that common; after all, as the name suggests, they are very bitter, Anziani says. However, she adds that it has been proven to lower blood sugar. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that 2100 milligrams of bitter melon a day lowers blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes.


13. Red Onion

Eating onion may help control blood sugar, which is especially significant for people with diabetes. A study of 40 people with type 2 diabetes demonstrated that eating 3.4 ounces of fresh red onion reduced fasting blood sugar levels by about 40 mg/dl after four hours. Studies of multiple animals have shown that eating onions help control blood sugar. One study found that consuming 5% onion for 30 days in diabetic rats reduced blood sugar daily and significantly reduced body fat compared to the control group. Specific mixtures of onions such as quercetin and sulfur compounds are available and have antibiotic effects.


14. Walnuts

Nuts are low in carbs, high in healthy fats, and high in fiber. Nuts are one of the best foods for Diabetics. Walnuts are one of the best nuts available because of their high omega-3 contact Anziani says — one serving has almost 3 grams of omega-3s. Just be sure to stick to one serving size so as not to go overboard on calories.


15. Tuna Fish

Want to continue munching on your favorite crackers without fretting too much over your blood sugar levels? Consider pairing the crunchy snack with a can of tuna. Depending on the number of healthy fats and protein you pair with your carb-laden snack, your body can digest the carbs much slower than you could if you ate the carbs alone. It is very tasty to eat and very beneficial for health.


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